2024 Reading Challenges

24 in 2024 Challenge

This year I plan to read 24 books that have been on my TBR (many for several years). The only rules I set for this challenge was that I had to have the book in my possession prior to January 1, 2024. Here are the 24 books I have selected along with the status of each.

Not Read

Not Read

Not Read

Not Read

Pop Sugar Reading Prompts:

I’m also going to see how many of the PopSugar 2024 reading prompts I can complete. The full list is below. Click here for the full article.

  1. A book with the word “leap” in the title
  2. A bildungsroman
  3. A book about a 24-year-old
  4. A book about a writer
  5. A book about K-pop
  6. A book about pirates
  7. A book about women’s sports and/or by a woman athlete
  8. A book by a blind or visually impaired author
  9. A book by a deaf or hard-of-hearing author
  10. A book by a self-published author
  11. A book from a genre you typically avoid
  12. A book from an animal’s POV
  13. A book originally published under a pen name
  14. A book recommended by a bookseller
  15. A book recommended by a librarian
  16. A book set 24 years before you were born
  17. A book set in a travel destination on your bucket list
  18. A book set in space
  19. A book set in the future
  20. A book set in the snow
  21. A book that came out in a year that ends with “24”
  22. A book that centers on video games

  23. A book that features dragons
  24. A book that takes place over the course of 24 hours
  25. A book that was published 24 years ago
  26. A book that was turned into a musical
  27. A book where someone dies in the first chapter
  28. A book with a main character who’s 42 years old
  29. A book with a neurodivergent main character
  30. A book with a one-word title you had to look up in a dictionary
  31. A book with a title that is a complete sentence
  32. A book with an enemies-to-lovers plot
  33. A book with an unreliable narrator
  34. A book with at least three POVs
  35. A book with magical realism
  36. A book written by an incarcerated or formerly incarcerated person
  37. A book written during NaNoWriMo
  38. A cozy fantasy book
  39. A fiction book by a trans or nonbinary author
  40. A horror book by a BIPOC author
  41. A memoir that explores queerness
  42. A nonfiction book about Indigenous people
  43. A second-chance romance
  44. An autobiography by a woman in rock ‘n’ roll
  45. An LGBTQ+ romance novel
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