2025 Reading Challenges
25 in 2025 TBR Challenge
2025 Reading Prompts
Monthly Reading Prompts
25 in 2025 TBR Challenge
I successfully completed my 24 in 2024 TBR challenge last year and decided to do it again in 2025. My rules are simple: I must have had the book in my possession for at least two months before January 1, 2025 and at least 12 of the books have to be by non-white authors. Here are the 25 books I have selected for this year along with the status of each.
Just Read It Already's 25 Reading Prompts for 2025
I’ve decided to try my hand at creating a reading prompt list. I’d love to see your picks if you join. Use #JRIA25 on Instagram when posting so I can follow along! Here are the prompts. (I will link the review of the book that I read for each as I go.)
- A book published the year you turned 25. (If you’re not yet 25, use a parent)
- A book that won a literary award
- A locked room thriller
- A banned book
- The first book in a new to you series
- A book that was made into a movie
- A book set in the middle of nowhere
- A book with a title more than five words long
- A classic book you’ve never read
- A book whose title starts with the first letter of your birth month
- A book that is a retelling
- A book by a new to you author
- A book with a color in the title
- A book that is longer than 500 pages
- A book that intimidates you
- A book set before 1925
- A YA book that was popular or a book you loved when you were a teenager
- A book with a protagonist older than 50
- A book about music or a musician
- A book with a title that begins with the first letter of your first name
- A book that spans 5 or more years
- A book that you have been meaning to read for more than two years
- A cozy fantasy or cozy mystery
- A book set in the future
- A book that is set primarily in or around water
2025 Monthly Pop-up Prompts
For those of you who want a monthly surprise, I will also be doing “pop-up prompts” each month. Keep an eye on the blog and/or Instagram to find out what the prompt of the month is. Below are a list of the prompts thus far:
- January: Click here to view the post
- February: Click here to view the post
- Read a romance by a Black author
- Read one of my favorite books (see post for options)
- March: (Will post on Saturday, 3/1/25)
- April: (Will post on Tuesday, 4/1/25)