A Novel Love Story by Ashley Poston

A professor of literature finds herself caught up in a work of fiction… literally.

Eileen Merriweather loves to get lost in a good happily-ever-after. The fictional kind, anyway. Because at least imaginary men don’t leave you at the altar. She feels safe in a book. At home. Which might be why she’s so set on going to her annual book club retreat this year—she needs good friends, cheap wine, and grand romantic gestures—no matter what.

But when her car unexpectedly breaks down on the way, she finds herself stranded in a quaint town that feels like it’s right out of a novel…

Because it is.

This place can’t be real, and yet… she’s here, in Eloraton, the town of her favorite romance series, where the candy store’s honey taffy is always sweet, the local bar’s burgers are always a little burnt, and rain always comes in the afternoon. It feels like home. It’s perfect—and perfectly frozen, trapped in the late author’s last unfinished story.

Elsy is sure that’s why she must be here: to help bring the town to its storybook ending.

Except there is a character in Eloraton that she can’t place—a grumpy bookstore owner with mint-green eyes, an irritatingly sexy mouth and impeccable taste in novels. And he does not want her finishing this book.

Which is a problem because Elsy is beginning to think the town’s happily-ever-after might just be intertwined with her own.


If you’ve followed my reviews for any length of time, you’ll know that I have a love-hate relationship with rom-coms. I have to space them out because they all start reading the same to me. I have found, though, that if a magical element is thrown in, I tend to enjoy it more because the fantastical element erases some of the monotony, and that is exactly what I got with this book. Is it full of familiar characters and rom-com tropes? Absolutely, but for this one to work, it had to be.

The book follows protagonist Eileen Merriweather, an English professor and die-hard romantic at heart who finds solace in the pages of a good love story. At one point in time, Eileen was engaged to be married to the love of her life, but days before the wedding, he called it off. Recently, her ex married someone else, and Eileen’s bestie has decided she can’t make this year’s book club retreat because she’s going on a trip with her boyfriend, who is likely to propose. When everyone else backs out of the trip, Eileen decides to go alone. She has been looking forward to this trip for months and needs to get away and lose herself in a good romance. But when her car breaks down on the way, she ends up in a town that feels straight out of a romance novel – and maybe that’s because it is. Somehow, Eileen has managed to lose herself (quite literally)in the setting of her favorite romance series, complete with quirky characters and small-town charm.

But there’s a catch – the town is frozen in the late author’s last unfinished story. When Elsy realizes this, she is determined to help bring the town to its storybook ending, even if she has to outwit Anders, the enigmatic bookstore owner with mint-green eyes who seems to have a personal vendetta against her. Sure, she did almost hit him with her car when she first rolled into town, and the two don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things, but why is he so intent on getting Elsy out of town, and why doesn’t he want her to help resolve the storylines of these characters?

What sets this novel apart from other magical rom-coms is its meta approach to storytelling. As Elsy navigates the town of Eloraton, she discovers the power of her own story and the ways in which fiction can mirror reality. It’s a love letter to the act of reading itself and a reminder of the ways in which books can shape our lives in unexpected ways.

How often have we wished to spend a day (or several years) in our favorite book series? In this book, Poston explores what that might look like while crafting a whimsical tale of love, friendship, and the power that books have on those who love them. It’s obvious early that there will be a romance between Elsy and Andor, and their journey toward discovering their feelings for one another is at the heart of the story. Even though it’s obvious, the slow-burn enemies-to-lovers romance is incredibly satisfying, and readers will be rooting for them to find their happily ever after. I also found the reveal of what was really happening and why Elsy found her way to the town to be very sweet and touching.

Overall, I found this to be a fun little romp through the world of romance novels, with a touch of magic and a whole lot of heart. Is it full of expected tropes and clichès? Absolutely, but Ashley Poston has crafted a charming, witty, and very meta tale that will likely satisfy rom-com lovers – especially those who like their romances with a touch of magical realism.

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