Lovelight Farms by B.K. Borison

Where the lovelight gleams …

A pasture of dead trees. A hostile takeover of the Santa barn by a family of raccoons. And shipments that have mysteriously gone missing. Lovelight Farms is not the magical winter wonderland of Stella Bloom’s dreams.

In an effort to save the Christmas tree farm she’s loved since she was a kid, she enters a contest with instafamous influencer Evelyn St. James. With the added publicity and the $100,000 cash prize, she might just be able to save the farm from its financial woes. There’s just one problem. To make the farm seem like a romantic destination for the holidays, she lied on the application and said she owns Lovelight Farms with her boyfriend. Only … there is no boyfriend.

Enter best friend Luka Peters. He just came home for some hot chocolate, and somehow got a farm and a serious girlfriend in the process.



I read a few Christmas romcoms over the last few weeks, and I gotta say, some of them just didn’t do it for me. I DNFed three of them because they were more focused on sex and angst – and while I realize we all get horny and need some sexy time in our lives – and I am by no means a prude – it’s just that’s not what I want my Christmas books to be about. I’m happy to report that this book was one that I did finish and one that I ended up really enjoying. It’s a Hallmark movie in book format, which is exactly what I was hoping for.

This is a heartwarming and humorous tale of friendship, fake dating, and the magic of the holiday season.

The story revolves around Stella Bloom (aka La La to her closest friends), a passionate and determined young woman who faces the daunting task of saving her beloved Christmas tree farm. Stella fell in love with Lovelight Farms when she was a kid and dreamed of someday owning a farm just like it. Naturally, she’s going to jump at the chance to buy it when it goes up for sale, but what she didn’t anticipate was the mountain of debt she would also incur, not to mention someone seems to be out to sabotage her and run her off.

Threatened by financial woes, Lovelight Farms needs a miracle to stay afloat. This is when Stella decides to enter a contest with social media influencer Evelyn St. James. Evelyn is looking for cute, romantic getaways to highlight on her blog and social media accounts. She will choose her favorite, and the winner will receive $100,000 – more than enough to get the farm out of debt and finally in the green. Evelyn ends up selecting Lovelight Farms for the competition and plans to spend a few days on the farm. There’s just one problem. Evelyn loves a good love story, and Stella lied and said she started the business with her boyfriend – a boyfriend she doesn’t have.

The contest requires Stella to make the farm appear as a romantic holiday destination – easy enough – but she needs a loving boyfriend and STAT. Stella convinces her best friend, Luka Peters, to play the role. This should be easy – they know each other well, they’re super close, and they can totally pull this off for a week. The problem is, everyone in town knows everyone’s business (ah, the joys of small towns), which means everyone knows Luka and Stella as BFFs, which means they need to convince the entire town that they are dating and in love before Evelyn gets to town.

The book is a lot of fun, and the author’s writing style especially shines in Stella and Luka’s friendship development. The banter and chemistry between the two characters are natural and believable – we understand why they are so close. It’s easy to fall into their friendship and root for the development of deeper feelings – we want this to be more than friendship. The witty dialogue and genuine connection make their fake relationship all the more believable, and readers can’t help but fall in love with the two of them.

Stella and Luka are both great characters, but so are the side characters. I especially enjoyed Layla and Beckett – two characters who work on the farm with Stella. Layla runs the bakery, and Beckett is the handyman around the farm. Beckett is big and hot and grumpy, and all the ladies are in love with him, yet he is completely oblivious to this. All he wants to do is work on the farm, take care of his cats, and be left alone.

The story is sweet and touching and has some funny moments as well. Borison expertly balances the humor with moments of genuine heart and emotion as we watch Stella and Luka try to convince folks around town that they’ve finally fallen in love before Evelyn comes to town. We also get a side story of someone trying to sabotage Stella’s farm, as well as a few side romances. I know there are currently two other books in this series – one that focuses on Layla, one on Beckett (which I will be reading), and another on the way, focusing on Stella’s half-brother. I’m really hoping the author will write a fifth that focuses on the sheriff and his crush on the pizza shop owner.

From the charming characters to the vivid setting, every aspect of the story is carefully crafted, immersing readers in the magic of the holiday season. Whether you’re a fan of romances, comedies, or simply seeking an uplifting read, Lovelight Farms is sure to warm your heart and leave you with a smile. I definitely recommend adding it to your holiday reading list.


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