January 2025 Reading Wrap-up and February Hopefuls

Wow. I read a ton of books this month. I told myself that I was going to slow my reading game a bit this year. Accept fewer ARCS, spend more time outside, pull from my TBR, work on some writing projects and catch up on TV shows. Funny thing is, I have done all of the above, but the TV shows and movies thing is where I am struggling. I find it more and more difficult to focus on them. I tend to want to grab my phone and scroll while watching, which ends up in me going down a rabbit hole and then I start doom scrolling and the anxiety kicks in. I don’t feel the need to pick up my phone while reading, so, here we are. Still reading a butt-ton of books each month and my mental health is better for it.

This month I knocked three books from my “25 in 2025 TBR Challenge” list, I read three that satisfied some of my 2025 reading prompts, and three that satisfied my January monthly reading prompts. Here are my favorite books of the month and how I rated all of them:


5 Star:

4 – 4.75 Star:

3 – 3.75 Star:

2-2.75 Star:

1-1.75 Star:

  • The Family Inside by Katie Garner (I finished this one, but didn’t bother with a review.)

I have a few ARCs that I need to read this month and Book of the Month was banging with their selections (I ordered several). I still have some selections from last month to catch up on. Needless to say, I anticipate another full month of reading. We’ll see if I get to all of these.

Besides the books pictured above, I also plan to read the following:

  • Unromance by Erin Connor (January Aardvark pick)
  • The Other March Sisters by Linda Epstein, Ally Malinenko and Liz Parker (ARC)
  • A Circle of Uncommon Witches by Paige Crutcher (ARC)
  • Rose of Jericho by Alex Grecian (ARC)
  • This Book Will Bury Me by Ashley Winstead (ARC)
  • Junie by Erin Crosby Eckstine (Aardvark pick)

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